Working On Happiness


Observe the Storm

We all face challenging times—moments of difficulty, hardship, and all kind of “storms” that seem to shake the very foundation of our lives. These experiences can drain our energy, making it hard to focus...


Showing up

Time moves forward, indifferent to our attention or distractions. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, only to realize that days, weeks, even years have slipped by unnoticed. This is...



Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent, no matter how exceptional, often fades without the resolve to apply it consistently. We’ve all seen talented people falling short of their potential....


Give this a try

What if you decide to make this, your purpose for today? “Today I’ll be a source of love, compassion, joy, and peace for myself and everyone I encounter” How can this go wrong?  There’s...


Dealing with Grief

Grief is a natural response to loss, and it’s a complex process that affects us emotionally, physically, and mentally. Grief doesn’t have a set timeline. It’s important to be patient with yourself and recognize...


Celebrate Life

Today I want to remind you of a profound truth: “Don’t wait to have everything to enjoy life… You already have life to enjoy everything!“.  Often, we find ourselves caught in the endless pursuit...



Every day we have hundreds of opportunities to decide how we look at the world around us. We have a choice to go through our lives complaining, or we can go with acceptance and...



When we give a gift to other person and we are expecting something in return, that is not a gift, it’s an exchange, because the expectation of a return, corrodes the splendor of the...


What Went Well Today?

One of the easiest ways to enhance your happiness is through a simple nightly ritual. As you prepare for bed, take a moment to mentally revisit your day. Focus on identifying the positive moments—those...


Our Relationship with Failure

The classic statement “Failure is not an option” is a very dumb cliché that only causes people to play safe avoiding all sort of risks.  We call it a failure when the outcome of...