Working On Happiness


Be Human

Constantly questioning whether every action is right or wrong creates unnecessary conflict within. Instead, joyfully accept that sometimes things may go wrong, and that’s okay. No one can always know if what they’re doing...


What you can’t live without

In today’s fast-paced world, we often fill every free moment with activities and distractions. With endless options at our fingertips, it’s easy to clutter our lives with unnecessary and unrewarding stuff.  Making intentional choices...



Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts. It’s the bond that allows us to face challenges, celebrate victories, and navigate everything in between. True friendship isn’t just about having fun together; it’s about the...



Sometimes life puts walls in front of us. These walls aren’t there to keep us out but to test how much we truly want something. They separate those who have a ephemeral interest from...


Your Real You

It’s not your job to make others love or accept you. Your job is to love and accept yourself. When your actions reflect your principles and your essence, you attract people who genuinely appreciate...


On the Profit Side

We come into this world with nothing and will leave with nothing, so whatever we gain or experience in between is a bonus, a profit in a sense. Life itself is a tremendous gift,...



Laughter is a powerful booster, enhancing our mood, health, and well-being. It releases endorphins, reducing stress and promoting joy. Humor helps us reframe challenges, making them feel more manageable. By embracing humor and seeking...