The Mindful Attitude of Non-Judging
Our habit of categorizing and judging everything traps us in automatic reactions, keeping our minds restless and making inner peace hard to find. It’s like a yo-yo effect, with our minds constantly swinging up and down on the string of judging thoughts.

The first step to freeing ourselves is simply to be aware of these judgments. By noticing our prejudices and fears, we can begin to release their hold on us.

When you catch your mind judging, take on the role of an impartial observer. You don’t have to stop the judgment; just notice it with curiosity. Avoid judging the judging, it only complicates things. By practicing this mindful attitude of non-judging, you might find less stress in your life.

This practice helps us experience the present moment without bias. Judging often brings criticism and resistance, leading to suffering. True non-judgment is different from discernment; it allows clarity and acceptance to relieve inner tension.

Consider: What’s a common judgment you could acknowledge and gently let go of?

Contribution from Juliana Caiuby, inspired on the text from Jon Kabat-Zinn.