Live Like a Dog

Dogs are some of the most cheerful creatures that live among us.

Every time I come back from wherever I went, my dogs are happy and excited and celebrate my arrival with joy, delighted by my return, even if I have been out for only fifteen minutes. Everyone who has a dog knows this.

If we need to go for a car ride, the dogs are the first in the car, they jump in, even being clueless about where we are going, but they know we are going somewhere. 

Going for a simple walk is a daily party that they also appreciate gratefully.  Every meal is celebrated cheerfully even if food looks the same every single day.

They are not concerned neither about what happened yesterday, nor how tomorrow is going to be.  Just today, just the present.

Dogs don’t live as long as we do.  Every single day a dog lives is equivalent to a week of our life, and it’s like, knowing that fact, they make every single moment count.  Somehow, it’s like they have factored their mortality and are focused on enjoying every activity that life puts in front of them.

It’s a good exercise to use my dogs as a reminder of how I should live every day of my life.

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1 Response

  1. Maria Carolina Martinez says:

    Hermosa reflexion y demasiado cierta! Gracias por ponerlo en perspectiva!

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