
If I ask you to name successful people in the world, following a commonly accepted definition of success you will probably mention people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Lionel Messi, Serena Williams, Rihanna, John Lennon, Julia Roberts, etc… you got the point.  Nobody can deny that all of them are either very famous and / or very rich, but to say that they are successful we should first get to a better definition of success. 

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine what success means to them and to strive for their own personal goals and aspirations, rather than simply following societal expectations or the examples set by others. While some individuals may define success as being rich and famous, others may view it as achieving personal fulfillment and happiness in their lives.

Note that being rich and famous does not necessarily equate to a fulfilling or meaningful life. Many individuals who have achieved financial and societal success still struggle with issues such as loneliness, addictions, anxiety, and depression.  The pursuit of fame and fortune can often come at the cost of one’s personal relationships, mental health, and overall well-being.

Don’t let the media to define success for you. I invite you to make your own definition, one that instead of wealth and fame (which is constrained to a few), includes ethics, humanity, morality, spirituality, compassion, friendship, loyalty and happiness. 

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