Author: Pablo


The Body, Mind, Spirit Connection

Our identity is determined by the union of the three elements body, mind and spirit. As such, our wellness is also conformed not only by the health of our physical body but also by...



In his book “Frames of Mind” (1983), Harvard Psychologist Howard Gardner wrote that we need to stop asking “How smart is the student?” and start asking “How is the student smart?”.   This new question...


Time Affluence

Time affluence is the feeling that we have sufficient time to pursue activities that are personally meaningful, to think, or simply for leisure.  Time poverty is instead the feeling that one is constantly stressed,...


There is no wasted time

Every step we give and everything that happens in our life has a reason to be.  None of what happens is wasted time, even setbacks or failure make us stronger in preparation for what...


5 Types of Overthinking

Check this nice and insightful article from Maya Raichoora. Look into the article to see possible remedies or tactics to address each of these situations. Thanks Maya for this contribution! We are certainly...



If I ask you to name successful people in the world, following a commonly accepted definition of success you will probably mention people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Lionel Messi, Serena Williams,...


Sit on the feeling and explore the thought behind it.

Embracing feelings involves acknowledging and accepting them as a natural part of the human experience. It starts with developing self-awareness and the ability to identify our emotions. Once we recognize our feelings, we should...



We all have something called mirror neurons, that fire (react) exactly the same way when we see someone else, as if we were performing that action ourselves. Brain scans demonstrate that when a person...


Helping Others

Often, the best way to help ourselves is by helping others. Helping other people creates a great feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment that sometimes we lose for being so absorbed and busy with our...


Managing Thoughts

Our brain is designed to protect us.  Since it has an extraordinary ability for scenario simulation, it does a phenomenal work in alerting us about every possible risk or negative outcome.  Even though this...