Do Not Complain

“You can complain that roses have thorns or celebrate that thorns have roses”

People who complain over and over are permanently triggering their negativity bias, a normal instinct of the brain developed as a survival mechanism to pay attention only to what is wrong, bad or threatening. 

 Remember: Complaining never makes anything better.

Noticing that something is wrong is OK, but complaining is a mind-trap that leads to be constantly “in the box” reducing our vision and our alternatives, draining our energy.

Solve, Leave, or Observe, what are the options?

Solve what is wrong if possible is logically the best choice, and we should feel thankful when this alternative is available.

• If solving the issue is not in our hands, we must evaluate whether Leaving the situation is a possibility.  In many cases, just letting it go is the best we can do.

• When we neither can solve or leave, we enter in the terrain of acceptance and compassion because it would be a big waste of energy thinking or talking about it. The best option then is taking some distance and Observe the situation with curiosity, as a witness, ideally compensating its negativity by also observing other good things around us. 

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