
When we give a gift to someone, we should not expect absolutely nothing in return. Expecting a return, transforms the noble act of gifting into an exchange, corroding the splendor of the giving act. Likewise, when people or organizations make donations to advertise themselves, the sincerity of the act is darkened by the return (promotion) expected.

“Giving is the smartest thing you can ever choose to do” (Mo Gawdat)

Giving is a way to demonstrate our love, compassion, appreciation, gratefulness, or admiration to another person. This demonstration doesn’t need to be compensated in any physical way, because the main return is to feel good about ourselves, feeling better persons, happier, and more satisfied with life. 

Don’t think about this as physical giving only.  We can also be generous offering our time to volunteer activities, with an act of kindness, or with a simple smile to someone who may need it.

Often, the best way to help ourselves is by helping others.

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