Meaning and Purpose

Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists.  Purpose is having a sense that our life is headed in a particular direction and, most importantly, is about giving a meaning to all the activities in our lives.

It is good that we understand what we are doing with the life that was given to us.  Simple like that, our purpose is a guide, like a compass or a roadmap reaffirming us every day that we are walking in the right direction.

Losing our sense of meaning or purpose may lead to feeling bored, dissatisfied or empty, unfulfilled in relationships with others, or disconnected at work, while can also isolate a person from friends and family.  In the extreme it can lead or contribute to mental health problems, making a person to feel hopeless, desperate or simply numb, and unable to find enjoyment in the things that used to bring pleasure.

It’s proven that there is an intimate connection between our psychological well-being and our systemic health. A recent study shows that people who are in their 60s with a low sense of purpose had more than twice likelihood of dying within five years compared to people who reported a high sense of purpose.

The following questions can help us to shape and have clarity on our purpose:

Who and what matters most to you?

How would you define success in your life?

What impact do you want to have on others?

What makes your life worth living?

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