Helping Others

Often, the best way to help ourselves is by helping others.

Helping other people creates a great feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment that sometimes we lose for being so absorbed and busy with our own obligations. 

The level of happiness that we derive from helping others is very high and increases our sense of empowerment, enhances wisdom, and makes us feel more connected.

As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way. Mary Anne Radmacher

Studies show that altruists in the workplace are more likely to feel satisfied and are happier at work.   Simple acts of kindness, expressions of gratitude, and offering support to colleagues in times of need can make us feel a lot better about ourselves and make us happier at work.

Psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky conducted an experiment where she asked a group of people to carry out 5 acts of kindness or help towards other people,  simple things just like helping someone in the street or giving blood or sharing a meal with a neighbor. What she found was that those acts of helping others increased significantly the wellbeing of the participants compared versus the control group, not only in that day but for the rest of the week.

Giving is a way to demonstrate our love, compassion, appreciation, gratefulness, or admiration to another person that doesn’t need to be compensated in any physical way, because the main return is to feel good about ourselves, feeling better persons, happier and more satisfied with life. 

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