Managing Thoughts

Our brain is designed to protect us.  Since it has an extraordinary ability for scenario simulation, it does a phenomenal work in alerting us about every possible risk or negative outcome.  Even though this is helpful for survival, the reality is that may also become overwhelming if we pay attention to every alert. Take in consideration that our brain’s wiring comes from times where humans were faced with life-threatening situations all day long and its main purpose was to keep us alive.

Also, our brain is constantly creating ruminating thoughts about our past failures to ensure we learn from them, and projecting to the future to ensure we stay away from hazards, thus preventing us from living in the present moment.

So, is our mind playing against our wellbeing?  Our mind is marvelous and is the most sophisticated computer on the planet, and while it’s supposed to serve us, sometimes it may become harmful, unless we learn to manage our thoughts. 

Here I go with a few recommendations on how to manage our thoughts in a healthier way.

First and most important, don’t try to stop or restrict negative thoughts, that doesn’t work.  The more we attempt to suppress them, the more they will multiply.

Instead, welcome them.  When  negative thoughts arrive in the form of fear, anger, resentment, embarrassment, disappointment, or any other, observe that thought, understand what your mind is trying to tell you, say “thank you mind” for the thought and let it go. The secret is not to get trapped on it and instead get the message and keep going.  This is like watching cars passing by in a street, they come, deliver the message, and go away. 

Meditation is a great tool to train our brain in how to observe thoughts and learning how to let them go.  There are plenty of apps and guides for beginners if you are interested.  “” is one of my favorites. 

Have a great week

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