Dealing with Grief

Grief is a natural response to loss, and it’s a complex process that affects us emotionally, physically, and mentally. Grief doesn’t have a set timeline. It’s important to be patient with yourself and recognize that healing is a gradual process. Over time, the intensity of grief may lessen, but the memories and love for your loss will always be a part of you.

I once heard that grief is like a stone that you carry in your pocket. You’ll always notice it; you’ll feel it and know it’s there. However, as time goes on, grief doesn’t disappear or diminish in size; you don’t need to move on or get over it. Instead, as you grow stronger and more resilient, the weight of that stone feels lighter. The heavy feeling of grief transforms as you adapt and build the strength to carry it. It stays the same, but you become more capable, and it doesn’t weigh on you in the same overwhelming way as before.

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