“Caminante no hay camino”

Have you ever had that feeling that other people are doing more than you, or they are further along than you?

As if time is moving so quickly that you feel you are not doing enough.  Do you often feel like should have accomplished more in comparison to what other people seem to be accomplishing?

All this can make us feel like we are behind… But what if there is no such a thing like being behind in life?  What if there’s only a path that you are creating moment by moment?

The reality is that no one is walking the same path as you, so being behind is just an illusion.  It might be true that people are doing similar things, and have similar professions, or similar trajectories, creating the sense that there’s certain milestones you need to hit. But your journey with all the ingredients and particularities is only yours.

The problem resides in getting caught up in other people’s journey, trying to put ourselves on that path.  We can use it maybe as inspiration for our journey, but we can never overlay our journey onto theirs, because when we do that, we just create this extra tension, and the feeling of constantly being behind.

Make your own path.  You’re creating it as you walk. It will look different from someone else’s and that uniqueness is beautiful.

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