The Problem is the Narrative

In most life circumstances, the problem is not related to what is happening but to the narrative we add to it.  Our brain creates thoughts about the situation, abundant in negative considerations, that are the main reason for our unhappiness.

Remember this:  Thoughts trigger Emotions, and they condition our Behaviors affecting ultimately our Performance.

We know it’s not the same to go to our job or school when we are angry, or going with a good mood, happy and with positive attitude.  So clearly, how we feel affects how we behave and how we perform.

But everything comes from our mind, all those emotions are triggered by the mental commentary, the story we tell ourselves.

“If I fail, everyone will think I’m incompetent, and I’ll never succeed in anything.“

“Life is so unfair to me”

“I don’t belong here”

“This line is taking very long time…. I could be somewhere else”

Larger part of our suffering is due to our mental commentary about your life circumstances and not the circumstances themselves.

The concerning part of this is that there are millions of people who carry very toxic narratives in their mind, and they call it “my life”.

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