Monthly Archive: November 2023


Humble Human

The words “Humble” and “Human” have a common root from the Latin “humus” that means earth. To be human and to be humble both are related to being grounded, with both feet well planted...


Personal Impact

Everything we do or say will impact someone else in some way.  Personal impact is the understanding of how our actions are perceived by others and especially how they impact others. How can we make every impact...


The Two Wolves

The legend says that there was an elder Cherokee, teaching his grandson. “There’s a war going on inside of me. Is a war between the two wolves. One wolf is evil is anger, fear,...


Wish People Well

Wishing others well fully and honestly is an experience that will not only make you (and often the other person) instantly feel good, but also lays the foundation for a happy life. “I wish...