Being in Touch with Nature

One of the things that has happened as we have become a more industrialized society is that we have actually become even more disconnected from our planet and the world around us. We build comfortable houses, offices, shopping malls, we have cars and roads, and while this evolution is for good reason, improving our safety and overall life experience, we risk losing touch with nature and sterilizing the human experience.

When we go outdoors, walking through the countryside, spending time on the beach by the ocean, or just being among the trees, we create a feeling of being connected to our source. Humans often believe that we are different from or superior to other creatures, making us feel empowered to affect or even destroy the environment. Getting out will help us reconnect and feel more grounded and part of the whole, while also contributing to our well-being.

Exposure to nature also has health benefits, such as being more active, feeling more relaxed, improving concentration, lowering blood pressure and risk of heart disease, and increasing vitamin D levels.

Take some time to get outside, spend some time looking at the stars, touching a tree, looking at the animals running nearby… this is the ecosystem we live in and depend on.

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