Monthly Archive: September 2023


Live Like a Dog

Dogs are some of the most cheerful creatures that live among us. Every time I come back from wherever I went, my dogs are happy and excited and celebrate my arrival with joy, delighted...


Shaping Your Best-Self

“Go back inside yourself and look: if you do not see yourself as beautiful, then do as a sculptor does with a statue he wants to make beautiful: he chisels away one part, and...


Our Powerful Simulator

Along thousands of years, human’s brain has evolved developing a new structure called prefrontal cortex.  This area does lots of things, but the most important function is to be an experience simulator. Human beings have...


Being in Touch with Nature

One of the things that has happened as we have become a more industrialized society is that we have actually become even more disconnected from our planet and the world around us. We build...