
We live in a culture of comparison.  We feel good about our job until we perceive someone progressing faster than us.  We feel good about our finances until we see someone exposing their opulent life. We feel confident with our look until we spot someone with a more athletic physique.  This type of comparison just leads to frustration and discontent.

Give it a second thought. We will always find someone that is better than us, is smarter than us, has a higher income, or is more attractive.  But we all have the same value to the world regardless of our bank accounts or our appearance, plus, we never have enough information about the other person, so we are comparing our own “behind the scenes” version against the “on stage” image of others. 

The only comparison that is heathy, real and worth doing, is comparing our current state with our previous version, in our journey towards our best possible self.

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