Reshape your Brain

Our brain is made up of billions of neurons that communicate with each other by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters (e.g., dopamine and glutamate), into the space between them known as synapses. It is a perfectly coordinated system that regulates demand and response, controlling the “turn” of each neurotransmitter. In the face of a stimulus, there is a set of neurons that fire simultaneously creating a neural circuit. Over time these circuits are strengthened and become more robust and automatic as a result of our experiences and our education, to the point where they are transformed into habits.

Multiple recent studies have demonstrated that the brain is plastic and permanently changing through two processes known  as Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis.

The ability to change over time is the most incredible quality we posses as humans.  However it can work either for or against you because your brain will learn whatever you spend time practicing. If you practice something good for you, you will become good at that.  But if you repeatedly practice is your own unhappiness, your brain will learn to make you miserable.

Remember, what you use tends to grow and what you don’t shrinks.

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