Managing Distraction

A very influential study performed by Harvard University with several thousands of people demonstrates that almost 50% of them were not paying full attention to the activities they were performing.  The study remarks that the “distracted” 50% was significantly less happy than the other 50%.   Also the study concludes that “Mind-wandering is an excellent predictor of people’s happiness since the ability to think about what is not happening is a cognitive achievement that comes at an emotional cost.”

Current mobile technology is a great privilege we have providing a mountain of real time information, efficiency and simplification.  But at the same time, it drives addictive behaviors and compulsive overuse impeding us to concentrate in other important activities or events of our lives.

We must develop our ability to increase our awareness.   “Awareness” is the ability to pay attention, being conscious of what our mind is doing and resist distraction.

Some tips to promote awareness:

•Put away your mobile phone when we are performing other activities, especially when you are engaged in conversation with family or friends.

•Set specific moments of your day to read and answer emails, they will consume you otherwise.

•Try to dedicate 100% of your attention to the micro-activity you are performing (forget about the big picture for a while)

•Interrupt the “auto-pilot” and start paying attention to what is happening around you. This includes feelings, smells, sounds, colors, etc.

•Practice Yoga and Meditation, both activities help to enhance our general level of awareness.

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  1. Ingrid says:


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