The Body, Mind, Spirit Connection
Our identity is determined by the union of the three elements body, mind and spirit. As such, our wellness is also conformed not only by the health of our physical body but also by the health of our thoughts, our emotions, our social connections our moral and our spiritual life.

Physical health is about taking care of our body practicing exercise regularly, whether it’s a daily walk, a long run, yoga, or a strength training. Physical exercise reduces the level of stress by increasing the release of endorphins, while reducing the risk of sedentarism diseases and strengthening bones and muscles. It also provides sense of accomplishment contributing on making us feel proud of ourselves.

Mental and emotional health means taking care of our mind through intellectual development like learning new skills or disciplines, incorporating new hobbies or reading. Also, practicing mindful meditation frequently can help us to “clean up” our brain and organize our thinking.

Spiritual health is simply adding purpose to our life. Some people find this in religion, other people within themselves through introspection and others simply helping people in need. In a nutshell, this is all about the way we can create a positive impact in the world leading to having sense of meaning and purpose.