There is no wasted time

Every step we give and everything that happens in our life has a reason to be.  None of what happens is wasted time, even setbacks or failure make us stronger in preparation for what comes after.  They are necessary events or building blocks in the creation of our path.

We view ambiguity as a sign of weakness or as something that needs to be quickly rushed through in order to move from a dark place to a clear place. It is somehow a subtle form of oppression against ourselves but it’s also a massive lost opportunity.  We may need to wait sometime until we see things with clarity.  But remember, there is wisdom in recognizing that we don’t know, and there is potential growth in the uncertainty, so treat it as an opportunity, not a deficit.

Then, when the moment of insight, growth or realization comes, we should not feel like we’ve been wasting our time.  None of it was wasted time, none of what happened beforehand was wasted time, everything that preceded this moment of insight was necessary for us to have the realizations, motivations, the wisdom, and the awareness that we currently have.

So instead of viewing what has happened in your past through the lens of “wasted my time”, view it as patterns that were needed for you to be ready for something new.  Never forfeit your arrival with regret.

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