Celebrate Life
March 20th, 2023
We tend to complain about the things missing in our life under the unrealistic assumption that everything needs to be perfect, everything around us, all the time. But in reality, there will always be something that is not perfect, is not exactly as we expected, or is slightly off-track.
Let me offer you a different perspective to this.
•First and most important, if you woke up this morning, you are alive and you should offer a first smile to that simple fact. Almost 200,000 people die every day. Since you are reading this, you are not one of those, so take a few moments to celebrate it.
•Are you in overall good health? Can you stand up, breathe normally and don’t have any major disability? Offer your mirror a second smile. There are about 1 billion people in the world with some kind of physical or intellectual disability.
•Do you have your basic needs (food, water, air and shelter) covered? Offer the world a third smile. Nearly half of the world population lives with less than 5 USD per day.
I know you have problems still to be solved, we all do, but we need to understand that we are here in this world for a limited amount of time, and we must do a constant effort to enjoy that time, while creating a positive impact for the people around us.