
Sometimes things simply go bad or worse than expected.   In those moments it is very important to gain some perspective in order to give the problem the correct dimension.

By taking some distance, we can usually appreciate the problem correctly and in most cases, we will see it is not big enough to change the course of our lives. In fact, think about problems you had in the past and will discover that even though they have been painful, they are gone now and here you are alive and stronger.

This new current problem shall pass too…

When going through a crisis, following the three principles below can help to reduce the pain and improve our self-talk..

1.Don’t take it personal:  what happened is not a measure of how good you are.  Good and bad things just happen in the world and that has nothing to do with you.

2.Don’t take it as permanent:  nothing last forever.  Life, love, suffering, war, conflicts, economy, are not permanent. Life is plenty of change, seasons, adjustments and evolution.   This current crisis is transitory and will pass too.●

3.Don’t assume it is generalized:  most problems are normally restricted to a specific topic or area and doesn’t mean your whole life is bad.  Don’t let it impact all the other great things that make your life worth living.

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